Sunday, November 23, 2008

Caylee"S Hope,why I started this

Caylee Marie Anthony,has been missing since June 16th,the last time her family saw this beautiful angel.
I am not here to bash the Anthony's nor casey because thats not my style ,I am here because I feel I need a place to write and share my feelings.

As we know one month went by before caylee was reported missing,cindy{caylee's grandmother}made the heartwrenching phone call.I ask myself "why didn't casey call to begin with"?I am just so baffled by this.Here is a child missing and her mother didn't call the police,I was lost in this whole matter.

Everyday that has gone by has been a nightmare for the Anthony's,everyone ask's"where is Caylee" and still no answears.Casey has said"she dropped her off to the nanny or met the nanny in the park and she took Caylee from her",we now know that was a lie,there was no nanny zanny watching caylee,My opinon is this"casey placed nanny on a resume and thats where she got zanny-nanny from"because according to george{Caylees gradfather caylee never mentioned a nanny named zanny,ever}.

As a human being,I have decided not to judge casey till I know all the facts and still not judge because I have known people who were liars,who had problems,who had kids way to young and it as they said"cramped their life style" and couldn't do the things they did before.

Example-My sister had a friend who had a baby girl at 17,then a son,she lost her kids through divorce but she had another child when she was 20 with another person, now granted she had her hands full,but this girl was a dumbbell when it came to watching her kids or caring for them,she'd expect "mommy" to come and care for them or change them so she could sit around, sleep all day or party,she even relied on her friends as well.There was a number of times I'd go and comb her daughters hair, my sister would baby sit her or bath her and get her ready for bed because her friend was to lazy to do her job,care for her daughter,then she'd start dumping her kids on her mother so she'd could go and party,to me as a person I found this sick,I can see once in awhile but not every weekend and she was doing bad things too.She stole from me and my sister,she'd barrow cash and never pay it back and lied like a rug.

So ,you wonder how can casey do the things she did,we don't know,we as humans want the whys and how comes and it really dosen't concern us,we're not in the Anthony's shoes but My feeling is caylee is out there somewhere and I pray to God everyday she is found,even if the outcome isn't what anyone wants.

Caylee"s Hope ,the words mean alot, hope she is still alive, hope she is found,hope that this should never happen to another child,hope her mother speaks and tells the truth,hope there can be healing soon,hope for love and caring,hope for Caylee,thats what it means to me.

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