Saturday, February 14, 2009

George Helps In Search for Haliegh

“They are now members of “a unique club,” Anthony said. “They need the community’s support. They do not need to be judged. They do not need to be scrutinized.”

George Anthony,sat watching this unfold and decided on his own to reach out to this family.He has now joined the search for Haleigh Ann Marie Cimmungs and my heart broke"not another child" is what i said.Then I George speaking,My heart lifted alittle, he told reportes"this is not about me,This is about bringing Halegh Ann Marie Cummings Home to her family".

George showed up with words of wisdom and hugs for this family,I wish i could be there and walk along side the searchers and find Haleigh but I am not in the area.However,keeping word out,making sure this child's family is not pre -judged is all I can do.

There are sex offenders in the mile area od where the family lives, so far they've all be located and homes have been checked.What coems to my mind is Jessica Lundsford,she was snatched from her home too.

My mind has been thinking and I can not say right now what i feel except Caylee guided George to help this family,Caylee's spirit is all around,I hope and Pray Haleigh is found soon, Alive.I need to hang onto hope and faith.

I Ask anyone who ever reads this,pray for Haleigh just like I did for Caylee,Reach out to this family,show support,do not judge,do not bash.

George will read this blog soon,Until Then,George I am so proud of you.

Take the step up,Help Find a missing Child, don't just sit and watch,step in with both feet and search.

God Bless.

I believe George has found his calling,speaking up for those who have less,who have a child missing,he relates, he's been there and understands.God Bless Him.

Missing Haleigh Ann Marie Cummings,SATSUMA, FL

Date Missing: 2/10/2009
Missing From: Satsuma,FL
County: PUTNAM
Birth Date: 8/17/2003
Age Disappeared: 5 yrs 5 months
Height: 3' 00"
Race: White
Hair: Blonde
Weight: 039
Sex: Female
Eyes: Brown
Narrative: ***UPDATE The child's age and her last known location have been updated. UPDATE*** A Florida AMBER Alert has been issued for Haleigh Cummings,who was last seen in the area of Hermit's Cove in Satsuma, FL. She was last seen wearing a pink shirt and underwear.
If you have any information concerning the whereabouts of this endangered person, please contact the Putnam County Sheriff's Office at 386-329-0808 or 911

Bring Haleigh Ann Marie Cummings Home.

Saturday, January 24, 2009

George's Cry for help

On Thursday,George didn't show up for a meeting with his lawyer at his home.Hours went by and George was found in Daytona Beach at a motel{i have seen this motel before when I lived in Palm Coast ,fl in 1994},George was on the edge.
People have not stopped to consider what this man is going through,the loss of caylee and his daughter in jail,The media houds,the papers printing trash,it all got to him.George was texting messages saying"he wanted to be with caylee,to make sure she was in Gods arms".This worried Cindy and rightfully so.The ocs and Daytona Police acted fast and saved George's life.
I know Daytona very well,I know where Halifax Hospital is,I can say "george is in good hands.
My heart breaks for him, he asked the cheif Mike Chitwood if he understood what he was going through,how he felt"?The cheif gave the answear "no,I don't".I can not imagine what george is going through nor understand as I have not been in that possition.This whole case,the loss of caylee when he held onto so much hope and faith has made him depressed,can I blame him,no because I have been depressed as well.
I have been at the brink myself,a few yrs ago,My former step kids absued me,not a day didn't go by I wasn't hit,thrown into walls,cursed at,lied about to their friends ,chruch people.They bragged in school to people they'd hit me and come out and say"thats the only way to keep her in line".
I became very depressed,I cried alot,i suffered in my own world alone,nobody understood how I felt,nobody was in my shoes.I continplated ending it all a few times.I didn't have the way to do it but I wanted out.Then I decided to stand up for myself,I had enough with wearing long sleeve shirts in the summer to hide the black and blues,I was tired of the nightmares I suffered which is called ptsd.I moved out,I lived in my world of fear for the longest time and I went for help as well.
It's not shameful to reach out and ask for help.I am proud of George for seeking help and trying to get through this all.
It has been very hard on this family and people should back off and leave them alone,have a heart and just let them be.
May God bless George .