Wednesday, December 24, 2008

In Memory of Caylee Marie Anthony 2005-2008

Decemeber 11th,Bones and a childs skull was discovered in a wooded area by the Anthony home and across from a School.
Then the news came Decemeber 19th"with regret"was all I heard,Caylee was gone .I held onto hope as did the Anthony's ,hoping that maybe with the ounce of faith I had she'd be alive but also felt 6 months had gone by,maybe God took her already,She was already an angel in heaven.
Caylee,did not deserve to die,she was just a baby,2 1/2 yrs old, she had her whole life in frount of her.Her Grandparents are in my prayers at this time because they are suffering a great loss in their hearts.
Many people came and placed dolls,notes,pictures and flowers down for the little angel who touched alot of people's hearts in a profound way.Christmas is the time for giving,The dolls at least the ones with no notes was donated to the orlando union mission for needy kids so they'd have a christmas, Caylee was no longer here to play with them and thats what she would of done,shared because thats the type of child she was.
Whats sickening me right now is people saying that on the net thats not true.Caylee will be laid to rest soon,she is already in heaven I believe in angels and know she already has her wings.I don't know what good will come out of this all but something has to be possitive after all this saddness.
I have been to one child's funeral back in 1993 and It was hard for me.I had done a benefit for a child {same age as caylee} who suffered from cancer and needed a boen marrow transplant,we raised that money but she got sick and never recieved it.I went in hoping that she'd be in peace and she was,Amanda was her name,I never forget her.She was dressed in has white gown,with her barney close by,I cried for a little while but understood she was with God and the angels.
Caylee's was diffrent,I went into my room and broke down alone.I cried because I searched on the net hoping some fool would post something and slip ,I read through documents to try and figure out what may of happened to caylee.
Caylee ,You are so loved by everyone,your grandma,grandpa,uncle lee, Everyone in all states,You will never be forgotten,Be bright like the moon.
God bless you dear one.
Next Summer I plan to hold a benefit in Caylee memory in Fl ,all the money donated from ticket sales will Go to Help the mission and also a group who helps with finding kids.,So please check in to see when it will be.
This is for caylee,Fly free sweetie.

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